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Inner child healing

Inner child multidimensional healing
45 min

Improve your romantic relationships by removing the unconscious psychological mechanisms secretly sabotaging your well-being and mental health. Release your parents and ancestors and free yourself from their negative beliefs and programming to get your freedom to create your best life back with joy and serenity.


The inner child healing is an important part of our Soul healing.

All the difficult situations, conflicted relationships and emotional wounds of our chilhood have been carefully designed by our Soul as opportunities for us to release our painful past, our old ancestral survival mechanisms that we all unconsciously carry, our deep limitations but also as wonderful opportunities for self transformation and spiritual growth.

Everyone in our story has played its part in this grand divine game board.

By healing our inner child, this unconscious energetic aspect of ourselves very much still alive, we give ourselves the chance to free ourselves from our negative thought forms and beliefs systems, from our unconscious psychological sabotaging mechanisms, and from old emotional bagage inherited from our parents and ancestors that are preventing us from being free to be ourselves, to seek harmonious relationships and to feel fulfilled with all our life force and unique potential of creativity.

Children are born empaths and very sensitive, if not oversensitive beings who absorb without distinction the energies, emotions of their parents, entourage and environment. This natural ability may become harmful when some of these negative emotional bagage are being integrated within their subconscious mind and set up as fundamental beliefs thus conditionning their vision of Life.

Freeing your inner child from these negative conditionning and unconscious programming, as well as from sabotaging patterns drawn from your own emotional experiences, will allow you to regain your independance, your freedom and autonomy to create new scenarios and life realities aligned to your heart and joy.

By taking care of your inner child in removing the energetic and vibrational blocks limiting or sabotaging your own freedom, personal power and emotional well-being, you will feel your inner strength again, your self confidence and your power to create for yourself your greatest life.

The unconscious mind is one of the most mysterious thing which secretly governs all of our actions, choices and reality.

Identifying and transforming the parts of our unconscious world that continue to produce negative scenarios in our life is a wonderful healing tool of self transformation.

We are no longer blinded and secretly run by old outdated survival patterns but now open and receptive to develop, nurture, and fertilize our own potential of Joy, of self fulfillment and realization in all aspects of our life.

We thus become completely free to create healthy, harmonious and respectful relationships and get out of negative bounds of codependency or abuse.

(read the article on how our inner child affects our emotional relationships here)

Do you remember these states of pure joy, freedom and absolute trust naturally felt by the child you used to be?

This innate capacity to feel joy, to seek the simple pleasures of this earth experience and mostly to follow the way of the heart is the key to our emotional well-being.

Healing our inner child is to allow ourselves to find this path of Joy again, with this incredible impulse of life and thirst for enriching adventures and experiences.




  • Releasing of unconscious Life sabotaging mechanisms
  • Releasing of unconscious self destructive patterns
  • Releasing of negative polluting energetic cords
  • Removal of negative attachments to ancestral and family pain/traumas

  • Releasing of negative identifications and loyalties
  • Ancestral ligneages healing
  • Releasing of ancestral weights, burdens and curses
  • Pacifying relationships with your parents, living or deceased
  • Releasing of negative beliefs systems at the root of negative repetitive scnearios

  • Releasing of negative emotional pain, negative emotions
  • Releasing of perinatal emotions abosrbed by the foetus
  • Removal of old psychological negative protection mechanisms
  • Full vibrational energetic clearing

  • Connexion to Divine Parents
  • Opening of news ways of self fulfillment
  • Improvement of emotional and romantic relationships
  • Retrieved emotional, energetic and vibrational independence
  • Unlocking of your creative potential, inner trust and self reliance


This is a non exhaustive list of areas as an indication of what I am being called to work on in sessions. 

Each session is personal, unique and tailored to your Soul unique needs.


This multidimensional inner child healing session allows you to remove the unconscious blocks sabotaging and limiting your own potential for success and self fulfillment by removing the negative loyalty to your parents and ancestors' emotional pain keeping you trapped in old negative belief systems preventing you from following the path of your own Joy. This session is complementary to the soul healing and soul portrait sessions that will work more specifically with your soul in its multidimensionsality and unique incarnation journey. 


This session can help you if:

* you have identified recurrent blocks in your relationships

* you have identified self sabotage mechanisms being repeated in your professional, emotional or financial life

* you want to pacify your relationships with your parents, living or deceased

* you regularly feel strong emotions such as anger, dispair, powerlessness 

triggered by specific situations occuring in your life

* you want to harmonize your intimate and romantic relationships and get out of co-dependency patterns

* you want to free yourself from weights and burdens coming from your ancestral lineage

preventing you from moving toward your self fulfillment and personal joy

*you want to unlock your full creative potential and gain in self autonomy

* you want to take care of your mental health by removing the unconscious negative belief systems 

and limiting thought forms patterns causing you to feel sometimes powerlessness, in dispair and sad



Picture :

Before our meeting, I will connect with your higher essence, through your picture that I will use as an energetic support, in order to access your akashic records and receive information about the subconscious blockages that you carry.

Send me a recent picture of yourself, preferably taken a few days before the session or during the booking of the session, and looking directly at the camera.


Explain to me the reasons why you want a session. Write me about your situation, pains blockages and difficulties.

What focus do you want to put on the session ? What are your intentions for the session ?

Also, tell me in which country you live so that I may know your time zone in order to set a session time accordingly.

Your session:

Distance sessions only.

It’s a precious time for your soul. Choose a moment that is best suited for you, where you won’t be disturbed for the next 1 hour to 1.1/2 hours and where you'll be able to rest after the session.

Sessions are done by distance. We meet by "audio meeting" via ZOOM.


The release and opening of energies can be felt during the session or the following hours and days. 

The energetic bodies will then recalibrate themselves to integrate new information.


If you have any question, please contact me at

If you need to cancel or reschedule the appointment, please contact me at

Performed sessions are not refundable.

See Terms of use

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