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Sacred healing

What is Healling

There is a misconception of what exactly healing is.

In our modern societies, healing means cure. It has a lot to do with the outcome. The end of physical or emotional pain usually obtained through medication.

This is a delusion. Because curing the symptom does not cure the cause. Medication can only help so far. It sure does help the symptom to go away, but it does not erase, release, nor transform the pain and block that causes the symptom(s) in the first place.


Healing is a process. Not an outcome. It is a path. A path to understanding our own journey. Our own suffering. Our own shadow.

Healing is about looking at the cause of our suffering and accepting it completely. It is about acknowledging all the parts of ourselves that are still lying in the dark, alone, uncared for, unloved, unworthy, terrified, neglected...


Healing requires to love all of our broken parts with compassion, grace and humility. And to bring all of them into Light. Up to the surface.

To be seen. To be acknowledged. To be understood. To be accepted. To be forgiven. To be loved.

Purely. Totally. Completely.


And that is a process. That takes time.

Sometimes a lifetime.

Sometimes more.


Each broken piece needs to resurface. To express itself. And sometimes it's through illness. Illness is the call for healing. Deeper healing. Not the cure. Not the eradication of the symptoms that the body language used to call our attention for profound healing. Other times it is through experiences and challenges that Life put us through to confront ourselves with our own shadows.


This healing process is in reality about healing our Soul.

We are multidimensional spiritual Light Beings experiencing matter through cycles of incarnations.

We leave pieces of ourselves in those incarnations.

Pieces in pain. Pieces in despair, terror, shock, and in the dark.


Pieces that leave scars. Soul's scars.

Scars that only Light can heal.

That only Love can heal.

Our own love.





Author: Claire MARGERY


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Soul portrait - Soul healing

Twin Flames


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Thursday 01 June 2017 0:00