I forgive you when you chose the silence
I forgive you when you chose the defense
I forgive you when you turned your back on me
I forgive you when you closed the door of your life to me
I forgive you when your ego started to attack me
I forgive you when your strength let you down
I forgive you when your pride took over you
I forgive you when your shadows darkened your sky
I forgive you when you ceased to think about me
I forgive you when you quitted trying
I forgive you when you broke your vow to always be there
I forgive you when you let go of me without a murmur
I forgive you when you forgot about me
I forgive you when you gave up on me
I forgive you when you abandoned me
I forgive you when you stopped loving me
I forgive you with all my heart.
Not with my mind for it has millions reasons not to
I forgive you with all my heart
I forgive you with all my soul
Because I see you
I see how the silence was your best refuge
I see why the defense was your vital strategy to protect yourself
I see why you didn't want me to see through you and your shadows
I see why you chose protection out of fear and vulnerability
I see how the shadows of your heart took you down
I see how easier it was for you to stop thinking about me
I see how preferable it was for you to forget about me
I see why abandonment was the only solution you knew
I see how you lost hope
I see how you lost faith
I see why you closed the door to your heart, locking me deep inside.
See how I see you
Because see that's where I live
In the depth of your heart as simultaneously as in mine
My heart is always connected to your heart
My heart loves your heart
That's why it's so easy for my heart to forgive you
I am you
I get you
I know you
I feel you
I love you
Since the beginning of our creation and for eternity and beyond.
In sacred Love,
All rights reserved.
Author: Claire MARGERY
Source: energyclaire.com/en
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